About us

Join us to help #kidsspeakswith confidence  through Public Speaking, Listening, Debates, Drama and Creative Writing

Talent Club Australia - SPEAKSCRAFT Program

Are you ready to help your child succeed by boosting their confidence through better communication skills?

Let’s redefine ‘shyness’ together and nurture speaking abilities that will be the key to their success in school, personal life, and work. Our SPEAKSCRAFT program engages them through 4 critical communication activities of Speaking, Debate, Drama and Creative Writing activities.

Parents often categorise their children as “shy” when they notice a reluctance to communicate or excuse behaviors that are less social. 

#Unlock potential #kidsspeakwithconfidence

TCA Final Logo New

Our VISION "To Unlock potential of our future generation through the Art and Craft of Communication, fostering confidence, empathy, and creative thinking for a brighter future"

  • Our aim is to empower kids become superstars at talking and listening, to feel awesome about themselves, make lots of friends, and have a blast while learning!

Talent Club Australia - Values

  • Creativity: We help kids unleash their super creative powers, letting them express themselves in awesome ways that are totally unique!
  • Empowerment: We give practice kids and the tools to speak up confidently, feel super proud of who they are, and be rockstars at talking with anyone, anytime!
  • Inclusivity We celebrate diversity and inclusivity, creating a supportive environment where every child’s voice is heard and valued.
  • Partnering: Inviting parents to join in and be involved in child’s communication journey
  • Fun and Engagement: Learning with us is like riding a rainbow rollercoaster of fun! We turn boring stuff into super exciting adventures where you can’t wait to learn more!
  • Collaboration: We’re all about teamwork and high-fives! We teach kids how to be awesome listeners, talk like champs, and cheer on all the different ideas flying around!

Our Aim

  • Every learner is different and has individual needs. Our goal is to motivate and inspire every student to think, communicate and be themselves by imparting the ART and CRAFT of Communication Skill that will create successful, confident individuals, both academically and socially.
  • Skill Development: We help kids learn through Public speaking,storytelling, listening, and body language, so they can succeed presenting themselves.
  • Lifelong Learning: We inspire kids to love learning and expressing themselves forever, so they can keep getting better at talking and listening as they grow up.
  • Creative Thinking: We encourage kids to think creatively and share their ideas boldly, so they can come up with awesome new things and express themselves with excitement.
  • Empathy Cultivation: We teach kids to be kind and understand others, showing them how communication can make friendships stronger and solve problems easier.
  • Confidence Building: We make kids feel great about themselves by practicing communication skills in a supportive place, helping them speak confidently and calmly.-

Our Public Speaking Coaches & Learning Process

Our coaching team consists of  skilled and friendly Australian school graduates who currently attend Australian universities in courses such as Psychology,  Law, PR & Marketing and Education.  They have each experienced Debating and or Public Speaking first-hand, either during school or university and the role models to whom  our students find it easy to relate. We keep our class sizes small and like any sport or learning a musical instrument, the skills a student builds is by continuous practice  and repetition. The comprehensive program Public Speaking, Debates, Creative Writing, Reading and Drama activities.   

"Every student is talented! All they need is a spark to unveil the brilliance in them!"

Let them Be Bold Be Heard

Program Outcomes are aligned to the AUSTRALIAN School Standard

Our 6 Success factors of effective speaking - through our SPEAKS model is aligned to the Australian School standards

Public Speaking and Listening 

  • Use interaction skills including listening while others speak, using appropriate voice levels, articulation and body language, gestures and eye contact 
  • Listen to and respond orally to texts and to the communication of others in informal and structured classroom situations 
  • Deliver short oral presentations to peers 
  • Plan, rehearse and deliver presentations
  • Selecting and sequencing appropriate content and multimodal elements for defined audiences and purposes,
  • Making appropriate choices for modality and emphasis
  • Use interaction skills, for example paraphrasing, questioning and interpreting non-verbal cues and choose vocabulary and vocal effects appropriate for different audiences and purposes 
  • Spoken interactions such as voice volume, tone, pitch and pace, according to group size, formality of interaction and needs and expertise of the audience
  • Participate in and contribute to discussions, clarifying and interrogating ideas, developing and supporting arguments, sharing and evaluating information, experiences and opinions 

Responding and Composing 

  • Use identify and explain characteristic text structures and language features used in imaginative, informative and persuasive texts to meet the purpose of the text 

Grammar and Vocabulary 

  • Use investigate how vocabulary choices, including evaluative language can express shades of meaning, feeling and opinion.

Expressing themselves – Confident Public Speaking  

  • Use understand how to move beyond making bare assertions and take account of differing perspectives and points of view

ASCA Award

They have the opportunity to Get awarded certificates through fun and interactive activities take the 

ASCA –Speaking and Listening grading Exam 

Parent Involvement

We strongly advocate and encourage the parent’s involvement, as this enhances the success of each child.

As your learning partners we run parent teacher seminars to keep the practice going check it out on our events page

Our goal is to motivate and inspire every student to think, communicate and be themselves by imparting the ART and CRAFT of Communication Skill that will create successful, confident individuals, both academically and socially.


Sydney, NSW, Australia.

© 2024 Created with 💖 By Talent Club Australia.

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